Tomato tart with goat cheese

Simple and versatile, with Provençal spices

preparation time
1 h 20 min
light main dish

Simple things are often the best, like this tomato tart: just a few ingredients make a delicious meal that also tastes good on all occasions: just as a light dinner, as a side dish for a barbecue or with a green salad. It is important that the tomatoes are really fresh and aromatic and the goat cheese has a fine taste, then nothing can go wrong!


For the dough:

For covering:


Place the ingredients for the dough in a mixing bowl and knead into a firm dough. Let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Grease a 28&nsbp;cm tart pan. Preheat the oven to 180°C top and bottom heat.

Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalk and cut into thin slices. Cut the cheese into thin slices as well. Pluck the thyme from the stems.

Take the pastry out of the fridge and line the tart pan with it. Spread the mustard evenly over the dough. Lay the tomato slices in a circle on top, slightly overlapping them in an imbricated manner. Scatter the cheese and thyme over the tomatoes. Put the tart in the oven and let it bake for about 30 minutes.

Then remove from the oven, drizzle with a little olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Allow to cool a little and enjoy lukewarm.

Photo all rights reserved © by Alex Medwedeff. Photo taken 2014 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id115)
recettes photo

Ready to serve tomato tart

Photo all rights reserved © by Alex Medwedeff. Photo taken 2014 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id143)
recettes photo

Goat cheese

Photo all rights reserved © by Alex Medwedeff. Photo taken 2014 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id116)
recettes photo

Tomato tart before baking

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Photo all rights reserved © by Alex Medwedeff. Photo taken 2014 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id369)
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Tomato tart before baking


This recipe was written with great care by Alex Medwedeff. If you find any errors, contact the author of this site, thank you!

This page has been seen 368 times since 20 March 2024.