Point Sublime over Verdon Canyon
Natural and historical site
20 min
The Gorges du Verdon cross a large space and there is a specially narrowed point, the Couloir Samson, in which you can see from a very easily accessible point of view, the Point Sublime.
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Belvédère du Couloir Samson
Site history
This is a natural viewpoint that has been developed since the construction of the road north of the Verdon in 1933. At the time it was the RN552, today it is the D952. The site was redesigned in 2021.
You can also see the first bends of the Route des Crêtes. This panoramic road is a round from and an to La Palud.
The view is better if you descend before the viewpoint from the trail to the right and pass before under the viewpoint or right of it.
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Path to Point Sublime
Access by public transport
The public transport service is very poor in the region and is limited to the high season. Thus line 450 of Zou! (only french) only runs from May to September between Castellane and Riez and this no more than twice a day.
Other lines may be set up temporarily.
Access by car
The viewpoint is on the D952 road between Moustiers-Sainte-Marie and Castellane on the north bank of the Verdon. It's a scenic drive that alone is worth the detour.
Parking site
Since the redevelopment, parking is chargeable. It is not particularly large and excessively expensive. This is not a place to leave a car while hiking. Some price examples: 30 min: EUR1.20; 2h: EUR4.20; 5h: EUR14, 12h: EUR70. The car park is open between 8h and 20h every day of the year. 30 minutes is more than enough for the round trip and the admiration time.
The Auberge du Point Sublime allows you to eat in summer season.
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Crête de Casseyère
The view to the east and up the river.
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Serre Méjan southwards
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Ravin du Bau valley
The view to the west.
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Downstream view in the Couloir Samson
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Couloir Samson
View from the ledge to the right of Point Sublime.
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Couloir Samson
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Point Sublime view point