The small borie near Murs

Cultural and historical site

duration of the visit
10 min

The bories that we see in the Provençal landscape are generally no older than 100 years and they all served as simple shelters. For this reason, there is often no name or known history to the bories we see on the side of the road. This is also the case for this one on the road between Murs and Apt.

Photo all rights reserved © by André M. Winter. Photo taken 2024 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id7432)
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Small opening of the borie below Murs


The borie has a classic shape. Its entrance is placed towards the south, which is logical knowing that the Mistral blows here from the north. A tiny opening is on the north side, facing the current road and Murs. One can monitor the arrivals from Murs. But this road dates from the 1980s, it previously passed on the west loop which is still visible and passable today. It is not a hunter's shelter either, because there would be more openings.

However, the classic shape topped with a point and placed on the embankment above the road makes it very unique.

Photo all rights reserved © by André M. Winter. Photo taken 2024 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id7433)
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Cover plate of the borie on the road to Murs

Access by public transport

There is no public transport. We are 17 kilometres from Apt and two kilometres from Murs.

Access by car

We are in the northern part of the Luberon region.

You can access it from the west via Cavaillon and Avignon by taking the roads towards Gordes, but turning towards Joucas, then towards Murs. Arriving on the D4 with Apt on the right, we take left towards Murs.

Coming from the east and the Durance Valley, go up through Manosque towards Céreste and continue towards Apt. At the exit of the town follow the signs towards Avignon, then towards Murs. Locate the junction towards Joucas, but continue towards Murs.

In both cases, not even 50 meters later, we see the Borie on the left.

Parking site

You can park on the loop of the old road which passes to the left of the borie.

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Photo all rights reserved © by André M. Winter. Photo taken 2024 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id7434)
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Borie on the road to Murs

Photo all rights reserved © by André M. Winter. Photo taken 2024 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id7435)
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The borie and the Route d'Apt below Murs


The information about this site was collected with the greatest care in 2024. Nevertheless, all information is provided without guarantee. Should you find any errors, please contact the author of this site, thank you!

This page has been seen 415 times since 20 March 2024.