Viewpoint Pierre Platte in Lucéram

Natural and with walk site

duration of the visit
10 min
view point

If you're looking to leave the crowded Riviera coastline and head towards the Alps, the Col de Turini pass is a must. This mountain road climbs to the village of Lucéram and further up. In Peïra Cava there is a natural viewpoint where you can see the area of the Mercantour National Park, the mountain ranges to the west and also the sea.

It is a flat and easy to walk rocky ridge that protrudes westwards into the valley.

Photo all rights reserved © by André M. Winter. Photo taken 2011 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id2249)
sites photo

Panorama view from Pierre Platte in Peïra Cava

Access by public transport

Bus line 615 departs from the north of Nice at the Gare Routière Vauban bus station (also tramway stop T1) to Lucéram. The terminus at the top of the mountain is called Peïra Cava. Information under Zou! (only french).

Walk down the street again until behind the last houses. On the right a road goes downhill, the vewpoint is also marked with Table d'Orientation.

Access by car

From Nice, take the road towards Sospel. Coming from the motorway, exit at Nice-Est (Nice East, actually North-East) and follow the signs to La Trinité. Take the dual carriageway along the Le Paillon River out of town. Exactly at this intersection, the traffic signs are unfortunately very poorly distributed. In l'Escarène we turn left towards Lucéram and the Col de Turini.

After Lucéram, there are several sections with hairpin bends to get to a wooded ridge, where the ascent is a little flatter. After a straight stretch you come to the hamlet of Peïra Cava. Just before it goes left down to the viewpoint (Table d'Orientation).

You can park directly in front of the view point.

Photo by Anthospace (source) under licence CC BY-SA 4.0 taken on the reference day 8 February 2019 and reproduced under the same conditions here. The reproduction is possible if the authors are named and this license is applied. (id2790)
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Entrance to Peïra Cava, the first lane on the left leads to the viewpoint

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Photo all rights reserved © by André M. Winter. Photo taken 2011 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id2248)
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Pierre Platte in Peïra Cava


The information about this site was collected with the greatest care in 2011. Nevertheless, all information is provided without guarantee. Should you find any errors, please contact the author of this site, thank you!

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