Chapel Mère-Église in Saint-Disdier
Cultural and natural site
10 min
view point
This gem is tucked away in a little-known valley in a hillside. The church is in pure Romanesque style, the main roof is covered with stone slabs, the round apses are thatched. These features are worth the long journey to get here. However, all access roads offer views of beautiful mountainous areas. From the north you can get through the Souloise gorge, for example, from the south you can get to the high valley via the lonely Col du Noyer pass.
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Grand Ferrand behind the church tower
Access by public transport
There is no regular public connection.
Access by car
There are three possible routes to the plateau:
From Veynes first towards Gap but then branch off towards St. Etienne en Dévoluy. At the top of the plateau, continue to Corps, Agnières and Saint-Disdier. In the hamlet of Les Baraques, you drive again shortly towards St. Etienne en Dévoluy and Saint-Disdier, then Mère-Église is signposted.
From the Champsaur region in the east, aim for the village of Le Noyer and drive up to the pass of the same name (Col du Noyer). Continue to St. Etienne en Dévoluy and from there north to Saint-Disdier.
From the north and Corps, drive over the Barrage du Sautet and then through the Gorges de la Souloise on the plateau to Saint-Disdier.
The church is east on the hillside above the village, the D520 road starts 600 meters south of the village.
Parking site
You stop directly at the cemetery wall or a little further on the right.
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Mère-Église church in Saint-Disdier
Short trail
You can climb from the village of La Ribière below on foot: from the lower church over the bridge and to the right. Less than 25 meters further, it goes uphill steeper to the left. This path turns into the Way of the Cross to the church. It involves 100 vertical meters that can be easily mastered in 20 minutes.
The map on this page shows this ascent.
The church is actually called Chapelle des Gicons, but is usually named Mère Église (mother church). The year of construction is unknown, but it is believed to be in the 12th century. The bell tower is attached to the nave. It is pierced by two bays with columns. The tuff tower has openings decorated with carved heads.
The church is only very rarely open, you can inquire at the tourist offices (Offices de tourisme du Dévoluy) in the towns of the region.
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The tufa church tower
The mountain panorma to the west is fantastic.
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Grand Ferrand, Petit Ferrand an Tête de l'Aupet mountains
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Cemetery and in the background the Rocher Rond and Rocher Courbe mountains
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Mère-Église church in Saint-Disdier