Saint-Étienne-du-Grès bulk vegetable market

Place du Marché

17:15 to 19:30h
from 01.05. until 16.09.2025
16:50 to 18h
from 15.09.2025 until 30.04.2026
17:15 to 19:30h
from 01.05. until 16.09.2025
16:50 to 18h
from 15.09.2025 until 30.04.2026
17:15 to 19:30h
from 01.05. until 16.09.2025
16:50 to 18h
from 15.09.2025 until 30.04.2026
The next market takes place in 37 months

The agrarian bulk market in Saint-Étienne-du-Grès takes place on Mondays, on Wednesdays and on Fridays. However, it is necessary to observe the seasonal or daily divergences specified in the weekly table above.

Saint-Étienne-du-Grès bulk vegetable market is located on the Place du Marché. This is on a big parking north of the village, to access over the the roundabout on the intersection of the roads D99 and D32 west of the area (map). 100 different booths are to be found on this market. The product range includes fruit and vegetables, direct marketing food and also oarganic products.

The opening hours given are valid for individuals. Sale only by boxes or whole crates.

The André Vidau market has a specific regulation. Selling producers and wholesale buyers must pay an entry fee of 1 euro per person. Sellers place their merchandise in the designated locations and buyers can inspect the merchandise, without actually purchasing anything at that time. Then there is a first whistle and the buyers run to the producer of their choice, buy and indicate to them where to unload the goods by a numbered ticket. At the second whistle the transactions must end because now private buyers can come in and make their purchases in a more traditional way, however always by boxes or whole crates.

The number of exhibitors and the types of products offered vary according to the season or somethimes with the weather. The information is non-binding. The base data about this market were confirmed on the website of a nearby tourist office on 25 July 2023.

Map of the market and surrounding area

Open the map below. The brown icon marks the market on this page, the orange symbols locate nearby other markets, you may zoom out to view them all.

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Other markets within a radius of 14km:

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The information about this market in Saint-Étienne-du-Grès was collected with the greatest care. Nevertheless, all information is provided without guarantee. Should you find any errors, please contact the author of this site, thank you!

This page has been seen 679 times since 20 March 2024.

Some photos show the market in Saint-Étienne-du-Grès. Do you have better ones? Please contact us! Thank you!

Photo all rights reserved © by Camille (source)
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. The permission of use was kindly given to on 9 September 2014. (id724)
marches photo

Vegetable trays at Saint-Étienne-du-Grès producers' market

Even small producers sell here by box.

Photo all rights reserved © by Alex Medwedeff. Photo taken 2019 during our field research for Provence-Guide.Net.
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. (id5414)
marches photo

Painting on the cooperative

The market takes place in front of this building.

Photo all rights reserved © by Camille (source)
No reproduction is permitted without the written consent of the author. The permission of use was kindly given to on 9 September 2014. (id725)
marches photo

Under the trees in Saint-Étienne-du-Grès